Rotterdam Business School 交流体会
发布时间:2014年3月27日      阅读:3612

电子商务11级本科 刘芷妍

I was so delighted that I have the opportunity to have an interactive

communication with representatives of Rotterdam Business School.

Being a college student, I am clearly realized that we are trading

with people from all over the world, rather than simply individuals.

Thus, the international concept should bear in mind. This

cooperative program with Rotterdam Business School

could be a fantastic option for those who want to explore the world.

Speaking of Rotterdam, the second largest port of the world,

is dominated by its logistics and wind power. Meanwhile, Rotterdam

Business School is also known for its programs of Logistics and

International Trade, which are of great beneficial for us majoring in

business administration . Compared to domestic universities, it is

inevitable that there would be a quite different teaching system.

Providing the micro-teaching, only less than 30 students in a class,

will be another attracting point of Rotterdam Business School. In the

school,students are from more than 30 countries which shows its

high level of internationalization. Rotterdam Business School devoted to

be an applied sciences university which is quite similar to Chengdu Neusoft

University’s TOP-CARE based educational system which focuses on

the development of students' practical abilities.

There are programs at different levels for us to choose from in

Rotterdam Business School. If it is permitted, Rotterdam Business

School would be the good choice for me to go.








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